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Items can be created from lua code in Global Scripts or from json files in the items folder.

Folder Structure

Items can be written in a json file. Items must be under the "items" folder of your mod.

Folder Structure

  📂 AppData
  └── 📂 LocalLow
       └─── 📂 Bitten Toast Games
             └─── 📂 GardenPaws
                   └─── 📂 Mods
                         └─── 📂 Your_Mod_Folder
                               └──── 📁 items
                                      └─── 📄 Your_Item_File.json

Json Example

Here's what an item's json 📄 file would look like.

    "itemtype" : "misc",
    "id" : "ItemID",
    "name" : "Item Name",
    "desc" : "Item Description",
    "icon" : "IconFile",
    "buy" : 1000,
    "sell" : 500,
    "stacksTo" : 90,
    "clothTemplate" : "ClothingPrefabName",
    "vTemplate" : "VisualPrefabName",
    "pickTemplate" : "PickupPrefabName",
    "visualBind" :  "none",
    "requires": "EventIDRequired",    
    "usableType" : "CodeToRunWhenSelected",
    "usableVars" : "{'param' = 'SerializedJsonSringWithParameters'}",
    "hasGlitter" : false,
    "alwaysLoad" : false,
    "shoppable" : false,
    "chestAvailable" : false,

    "autoFurniture" : {
        "model" : "modelName",
    "category" : "Furniture",
        "modelLocalPos" : "{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}",
        "modelLocalRot" : "{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}",
        "modelLocalScale" : "{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}",
        "texture" : "modelTexture"

    "autoClothing" : {
        "model" : "modelName",
        "modelLocalPos" : "{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}",
        "modelLocalRot" : "{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}",
        "modelLocalScale" : "{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}",
        "texture" : "modelTexture",
        "followPosition" : true,
        "followRotation" : true

Json parameter descriptions.

Parameter Type 📝 Description
id string The ID for this item. Make sure to make it unique so it doesn't conflict with other mods or existing in-game item. This ID can't have spaces. It will be used to call this item from other quests/mail/recipes etc.
name string Item name
desc string Description of the Item
itemtype specific string Type of item, must be one of our specific list of types. Otherwise will be set to 'Misc'.
icon string Item's Icon name (Without file extension). Place the file in the icons folder of the mod.
buy number Price you can buy this item (If it's purchaseable somewhere)
sell number Price this item sells for
stacksTo number Maximum stack for this item
sell number Price this item sells for
stacksTo number Maximum stack for this item
vTemplate string The entity template that will be used if the player is displaying this item (like a pet on a stone paw) or holding it on the hotbar (like a tool on a player's hand.)
pickTemplate string The entity template that will be used if an animal drops this item or if it gets spawned by an object spawner. If one is not available it will spawn an icon.
visualBind specific string If this item has a clothing template or a visual template, to which area of the character does this item bind to.
usableType specific string If this item is meant to do something when being held in the hotbar it needs to specify what set of code it will call. In case of custom mod code set it to UsableCustom, otherwise check the Usable Types reference sheet in the documentation.
usableVars JSON string The usable code sets can take a json string with variable to change how they work. The variables would be written here in json format. For more information on different options check the Usable Types reference sheet in this documentation..
hasGlitter bool If this is set to true the icon of the item will be displayed with the glitter shader.
alwaysLoad bool The game unloads furniture that is too far away to help with performance. For certain furniture that need to run code this doesn't work well so you can set this variable to true for it to be always loaded.
shoppable bool If this variable is set to true this item can appear in shops. If you try to add this item to a shop without this variable being set to true the item won't show up.
chestAvailable bool If this variable is set to true this item can appear randomly in loot chests around the world.
