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Folder Structure

Mail can be written in a json file. Mail must be under the "mail" folder of your mod.

Folder Structure

  📂 AppData
  └── 📂 LocalLow
       └─── 📂 Bitten Toast Games
             └─── 📂 GardenPaws
                   └─── 📂 Mods
                         └─── 📂 Your_Mod_Folder
                               └──── 📁 mail
                                      └─── 📄 Your_Mail_File.json

Json Example

Here's what a Mail's json 📄 file would look like.

    "id" : "Id",
    "relativeToId" : "Relative To Id",
    "day" : 0,
    "dontSendIf" : "Dont Send If",
    "from" : "From",
    "subject" : "Subject",
    "letter" : "Letter",
    "signature" : "Signature",
    "items" : "Items",
    "seasonSpecific" : "Season Specific",
    "repeatable" : "Repeatable"

Json parameter descriptions.

Parameter Type 📝 Description
id string The ID for this mail. Make sure to make it unique so it doesn't conflict with other mods or existing in-game mail.
relativeToId string This mail will appear relative to the event ID set in this variable. It could be the ID of another mail, or quest, or achievement. If you want to refer to the day the world was first created set this to 'gamestart' You can also use a season like 'spring' and it will be relative to the current spring.
day number How many days after the relativeToId event happened this mail will arrive. If you want it to arrive in the same day set it to 0
dontSendIf string If this variable is set to an event ID this mail won't show up if the event has happened. Can be useful if you want to send this email to remind the player of a quest but you don't want to send it if they already have completed the quest.
from string What to write on the From section of the mail.
subject string What to write on the Subject section of the mail.
letter string What to write on the body of the mail. If you type \n it will be replaced by a line break when loading into the game.
signature string What to write on the signature of the mail.
items string If you want to send items with this mail you would define them here. Example: 'Daisy : 1, Poop 2, Chick :1'. Use the item IDs.
seasonSpecific string If this mail should only arrive in a specific season define it here. You can define multiple seasons separated by commas like 'spring, fall'. If no season is written here then it will be available all year around.
repeatable bool If this mail is season specific and this is set to true then the mail will arrive every time that season comes around.
